The Basics
A New Approach
Gaining Momentum
You and Me
The Method
The All-Important First Step: Know Personally the
One You Are Following
Salvation in a Nutshell: John 3:16
Salvation in Jesus Christ is not difficult. It is easily available to any and all who want it. The most well-known verse of scripture, John 3:16, explains succinctly the purpose of the entire Bible and of God’s desired relationship with each of us:
“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
John 3:16 (NIV)
Plain and simple. Believe in Jesus Christ, God’s Son, and in His sacrificial death and Resurrection for sinners like you and like me. Then, receive the greatest gift of all, eternal life. It can’t get much more effortless than that. Yet issues like pride, self-sufficiency, and the distractions of the world get in the way, complicating the concept’s straightforwardness.
With singleness of purpose, however, there is life-altering force in those words. For two thousand-plus years, John 3:16 has brought countless individuals to faith since Jesus’s Resurrection. We should not let anything complicate its power to move us from the sentence of death and loss to winning everlasting life with Jesus Christ.
Hear clearly the cheers for your own victory, not only from me but also from all the saints in glory who traveled their own personal Jesus journeys and received the prize!
You and Me
You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you.
Song of Solomon 4:7 (NIV)
Isn’t this the way we start out in dating, engagement, and early marriage, thinking our partners are totally flawless? Then reality sets in. Wait a minute—he leaves the toilet seat up. Hold on a second—she doesn’t cook like Mom. Suddenly, we realize we are relating with someone who has many flaws. On occasion, romance, respect, and love have diminishing returns because of that reality.
The quality of flawlessness begins and ends with our Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Flawlessness is personified in Jesus Christ. Then, as mind-boggling as this may seem, it is transferred to you and to me by our acceptance of Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross as a covering for our sins and multitudinous flaws. In the eyes of Father God, if we have accepted His free gift of salvation through His Son’s sacrificial death and Resurrection in our places, we are now deemed flawless. Jesus says to you and to me,
[Your name here,] you are altogether beautiful … there is no flaw in you.” (Song of Solomon 4:7 NIV)
Song of Solomon 4:7 (NIV)
Who, me? You’ve got to be kidding, right? Nope. He’s not kidding. God has imputed Christ’s righteousness onto us—the perfect life of Jesus cashed in for a messed-up one like mine. This is a truth and concept that must sink in very deeply in order to be fathomed. The apostle Paul, writing to the believers in Corinth, penned these words about this transfer of righteousness:
God made Christ who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.
2 Corinthians 5:21 (NIV)
The Method: Daily Retreat
Retreat to Advance!
What in the world is Daily Retreat? Daily Retreat is the practice of secluding oneself with the Trinity—Father God; His Son, Jesus Christ; and the Holy Spirit—on a regular basis to be guided and directed toward inner and outer change in our personal lives via the method of scripture reflection.
Some years ago, when this book was in its formative stages, I shared its concept with a friend who was also a very strong woman of God. I had only just spoken the words “Daily Retreat” when she interrupted me to exclaim, “I don’t want to retreat. I want to advance!” I chuckle now at her Holy Spirit–led comment, knowing that she was partially correct and that I would certainly use her statement and its intended meaning in my book someday.
The goal for a born-again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ is to become more and more like Jesus, not by striving on our own but by allowing the Holy Spirit to transform us into His image. Then, when filled up with God’s Word and His truth via the Daily Retreat process, we pour out His love to others in order to advance the kingdom of God—my emboldened friend’s part of the equation!
In order to become like Jesus, then, we must know who He is. How better to get to know Jesus than to spend time in His Word, the Holy Bible, studying His traits and His mindset. We also get to know Father God this way, along with His plan of salvation for humankind, which begins in Genesis and ends with Revelation. We become miners, extracting the precious Word of God into our own veins, as opposed to the human-devised philosophies of this world, thus filling our minds with God’s way, truth, and life.
The Process
The Reason
Conquering Roadblocks
The Process: Scripture Reflection
Moses journaled his own life with God. Had he not written down these experiences, I might have falsely assumed that nothing much happened—that it was just forty wasted years of wandering.
I confess that sometimes I look at my own life this way too. I falsely assume that I haven’t accomplished much. I wander about my house, day in and day out, doing laundry and loading the dishwasher. Lather, rinse, repeat!
Then I look at my own spiritual travel journal—the one in which I write during the week, recording what God is doing in my heart and mind. It is then I see God’s faithfulness in bringing me through deserts; taking me to oases; showing me how to manage death, sadness, and difficulties; performing miracles for my benefit; and giving me victories to remember forever. I also see that, despite my forty years of circling through my kitchen and laundry room, I have indeed lived a life of progress. My spiritual journal is proof.
My hope is that you, too, will pull off life’s superhighway to the scenic overlook and stop for a moment each day to reflect on your life with God. Record what you are going through and what God is teaching you. Day by day, you will see His faithfulness to you, His plan for you, and His successful deliverance of you into the promised land. After forty years, you will have no doubt but that you have traveled the distance with God.
The Reason: We Need Him Daily
Throughout the Old Testament, again and again, God urged His followers to acknowledge Him as Lord of their lives.
“Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘Return to Me, that I may return to you.’”
Zechariah 1:3 (NASB)
This same call of God to our own hearts requires a response. Without our own efforts to rebuild this broken bond, we remain separated from God too. Romans 3:23 (NIV) says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
When left to our own devices, all of us are unrighteous. None of us has a hope or a prayer, if this verse by itself is the end of the road. This impactful phrase, however, is sandwiched in between two even more amazing statements. Taken in this new context, there is absolute promise of restoration with God.
Righteousness is given by faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
Romans 3:22–24 (NIV), italics added
The flip side of the coin is that all are justified (made right with God) freely through the redemption that came by Jesus Christ. Just as all have sinned, so, too, any who believe are forgiven and deemed righteous.
Conquering Roadblocks
Temptation: Flat Tire or Fully Inflated?
Chapter 5 showed us why we should spend high-quality time with Jesus. Those five sensible facts fill up our gas tanks and fuel our desire for this Jesus journey. But now, in chapter 6, we need to slow down and evaluate the journey thus far. How has it been going for you? Has traveling been a breeze, with the Daily Retreat time coming along easily? If so, congratulations. You have discovered how to fit this new cadence into your weekly routine.
If this does not describe you, you have most likely experienced a flat tire or two along the way. There’s nothing like that deflated feeling, is there? It dawns on us that we are now totally out of alignment! Trying to push something new into an already hectic life is not working out. Why is this process of pursuing time with Jesus so difficult? Nothing is happening as we had hoped.
The good news is that all is not lost—far, far from it. We are about to inch over to the shoulder of the thoroughfare to examine some of the roadblocks that prevent success in this endeavor. These roadblocks, or setbacks, can also be termed “temptations.”
Our adversary the devil prowls around, seeking any he might prevent from taking on this very challenging and life-enhancing practice that you have chosen to embrace. “Why should you travel the road to success?” your archenemy wonders. “No way. It’s high time to puncture a tire or set up a construction zone! Stall-outs are my specialty.”
Personal Growth
Life in the Fast Lane
Easy Maintenance
Traveling with Purpose
Areas of Personal Growth
Take the Land! Steps to Moving Forward with God
What are the steps you and I may incorporate as we, too, move forward spiritually, emotionally, or physically into new assignments from God?
1. Show strength (Joshua 1:7).
Moving forward is not for wimps. It takes a strong resolve to say goodbye to the past and hello to a new normal.
2. Be courageous (verse 7).
There will be circumstances and people who discourage us from a new normal, since living where we are right now is so much easier and way more comfortable. Courageously, we must stand against these temptations to stay in the realm of the familiar.
3. Stay on course (verse 7).
In new territory, you and I can get waylaid by the surroundings. We can hold back, regress, or veer off the path. Following God on the path of forward progress is the sure route to success.
4. Know and speak God’s Word (verse 8).
Our study and knowledge of God and His Word is important and not in vain. His truth has the power that you and I need to continue.
5. Reflect on God’s Word daily (verse 8).
This habit centers us day to day so that we may remember the goal of “forward progress with God,” which is always before us.
6. Replace negative thoughts with faith (verse 9).
As we travel uncharted territory, fear and discouragement can be overwhelming. This is exactly the point where faith—a positive reaction to negative circumstances—takes over. Faith knows “if God is for us,
who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31b NIV).
7. Claim God’s presence every moment (verse 9).
There is no greater resolve for our lives than to repeat God’s own words to ourselves—“The Lord my God will be with me wherever I go” (Joshua 1:9 NIV).
8. Expect to conquer the land (verse 11)!
Step out in faith into your new assignment victoriously and be amazed at what God will accomplish through you.
Life in the Fast Lane
Have you ever given much thought about your own genealogy? How did you come to be you? Who was in your past? Without them, good or bad, you would not be here.
I have my own unique little story in my genealogy. My maternal grandmother was her parents’ tenth child. Her mother had five boys followed by five girls. Now, that is a crowded covered-wagonload of kids, which is exactly how they came to Colorado. But what if my great-grandmother had stopped having children at number nine? Nine children would be plenty, right?
Wrong! If my grandmother, the treasured tenth child, had not been born, there are now thirty-eight people who would not have been born either—including my mother, my two sisters, my niece in heaven, my niece and her children, my nephew, me, my six sensational children, and my eight precious grandchildren (including twins who died in utero), not to mention my aunt, cousins, and their children and grandchildren. Yes, my grandmother Golda was indeed wanted by God—and by me!
You are wanted by all of those who follow after you for decades to come. Without you, there wouldn’t be them! Those who are single are also wanted by all of those they touch with their gifts, used to make this world a better place.
Yes, married or single, children or no children, you are definitely wanted, needed, and cherished by God and by those who have been blessed by your presence in their lives. I am one of them. Thank you for partnering with Jesus and me in this quest to learn of your great significance to Him and to this world. Continue in service to our Lord Jesus Christ for His glory and for the blessings of those in your sphere of influence. I’m thanking God, along with you, that we are all wanted and needed by Him.
Easy Maintenance
From Reluctance to Revelation
In 1972–73, during my seventh-grade year, my life science teacher, Mr. Rodney, made a grand impression on all of his students. In white, suburban Arvada, Colorado, he was perhaps the only larger-than-life person of color in town. His formidable presence at the head of the class had us all shaking silently in our seats as he bellowed, in his Southern preacher’s voice, the lessons of life science and life in general, as taught to him by his grandpappy, who had worked on the cotton plantations of the South.
In spring, the culmination of the class was the disgusting practice of frog dissection. Using the democratic process of “rock, paper, scissors,” the lot and scalpel fell to me. After pinning down the frog’s four appendages, I was left to split the abdominal area down the middle with the scalpel. Like Jonah before me, I wanted in the worst way to get on a ship bound for Tarshish.
My hesitation, however, lasted a moment too long. From across the room came the roar of Mr. Rodney:
“Adams! I said, Cindy Adams! My grandpappy used to say to me, ‘You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink’!”
Snapping out of my fileting phobia, I took the plunge and sliced the belly of the frog. As my lab partners pulled back the flaps, we beheld a most astonishing, intricate, and exquisite world of tiny tubes and geometric shapes, which were stomach, heart, and lungs. My reluctance had turned to wondrous revelation with one obedient swipe of the scalpel.
To what act of obedience is the Lord calling you today? How is reluctance hampering the journey ahead? Spend time with Jesus, listening to, agreeing with, and obeying His every call, as greater revelations than frog innards are yours for the believing. Let’s drink the horse’s water, quickly and together, shall we?
Traveling with Purpose
Happy Graduation! You Are Now Traveling with Purpose!
Welcome to a time of incredible affirmations! You have earned the right to hear God’s truth about your position in Jesus Christ. Are you ready for some mind-blowing concepts? Sit down, get situated, and brace yourself for the gorgeous unfolding of your special place in this world.
Jesus makes it clear that we are not here on the earth to be served. Instead, we are partnering with Him to serve others and to bring glory to Father God in a variety of ways.
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
Mark 10:45 (NIV)
To serve Him properly, we need to absorb the vision that God has for you and me as His servants, which is a far cry from shabbily dressed serfs among the cinders. Much to the contrary! Instead, He sees us as His accredited envoys, representing the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Please accept these five monumental truths that propel you and me to envision how absolutely necessary we are to God’s big picture via our own spheres of influence.
The Basics
A New Approach
Gaining Momentum
You and Me
The Method
The All-Important First Step: Know Personally the
One You Are Following
Salvation in a Nutshell: John 3:16
Salvation in Jesus Christ is not difficult. It is easily available to any and all who want it. The most well-known verse of scripture, John 3:16, explains succinctly the purpose of the entire Bible and of God’s desired relationship with each of us:
“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
John 3:16 (NIV)
Plain and simple. Believe in Jesus Christ, God’s Son, and in His sacrificial death and Resurrection for sinners like you and like me. Then, receive the greatest gift of all, eternal life. It can’t get much more effortless than that. Yet issues like pride, self-sufficiency, and the distractions of the world get in the way, complicating the concept’s straightforwardness.
With singleness of purpose, however, there is life-altering force in those words. For two thousand-plus years, John 3:16 has brought countless individuals to faith since Jesus’s Resurrection. We should not let anything complicate its power to move us from the sentence of death and loss to winning everlasting life with Jesus Christ.
Hear clearly the cheers for your own victory, not only from me but also from all the saints in glory who traveled their own personal Jesus journeys and received the prize!
You and Me
You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you.
Song of Solomon 4:7 (NIV)
Isn’t this the way we start out in dating, engagement, and early marriage, thinking our partners are totally flawless? Then reality sets in. Wait a minute—he leaves the toilet seat up. Hold on a second—she doesn’t cook like Mom. Suddenly, we realize we are relating with someone who has many flaws. On occasion, romance, respect, and love have diminishing returns because of that reality.
The quality of flawlessness begins and ends with our Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Flawlessness is personified in Jesus Christ. Then, as mind-boggling as this may seem, it is transferred to you and to me by our acceptance of Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross as a covering for our sins and multitudinous flaws. In the eyes of Father God, if we have accepted His free gift of salvation through His Son’s sacrificial death and Resurrection in our places, we are now deemed flawless. Jesus says to you and to me,
[Your name here,] you are altogether beautiful … there is no flaw in you.” (Song of Solomon 4:7 NIV)
Song of Solomon 4:7 (NIV)
Who, me? You’ve got to be kidding, right? Nope. He’s not kidding. God has imputed Christ’s righteousness onto us—the perfect life of Jesus cashed in for a messed-up one like mine. This is a truth and concept that must sink in very deeply in order to be fathomed. The apostle Paul, writing to the believers in Corinth, penned these words about this transfer of righteousness:
God made Christ who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.
2 Corinthians 5:21 (NIV)
The Method: Daily Retreat
Retreat to Advance!
What in the world is Daily Retreat? Daily Retreat is the practice of secluding oneself with the Trinity—Father God; His Son, Jesus Christ; and the Holy Spirit—on a regular basis to be guided and directed toward inner and outer change in our personal lives via the method of scripture reflection.
Some years ago, when this book was in its formative stages, I shared its concept with a friend who was also a very strong woman of God. I had only just spoken the words “Daily Retreat” when she interrupted me to exclaim, “I don’t want to retreat. I want to advance!” I chuckle now at her Holy Spirit–led comment, knowing that she was partially correct and that I would certainly use her statement and its intended meaning in my book someday.
The goal for a born-again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ is to become more and more like Jesus, not by striving on our own but by allowing the Holy Spirit to transform us into His image. Then, when filled up with God’s Word and His truth via the Daily Retreat process, we pour out His love to others in order to advance the kingdom of God—my emboldened friend’s part of the equation!
In order to become like Jesus, then, we must know who He is. How better to get to know Jesus than to spend time in His Word, the Holy Bible, studying His traits and His mindset. We also get to know Father God this way, along with His plan of salvation for humankind, which begins in Genesis and ends with Revelation. We become miners, extracting the precious Word of God into our own veins, as opposed to the human-devised philosophies of this world, thus filling our minds with God’s way, truth, and life.
The Process
The Reason
Conquering Roadblocks
The Process: Scripture Reflection
Moses journaled his own life with God. Had he not written down these experiences, I might have falsely assumed that nothing much happened—that it was just forty wasted years of wandering.
I confess that sometimes I look at my own life this way too. I falsely assume that I haven’t accomplished much. I wander about my house, day in and day out, doing laundry and loading the dishwasher. Lather, rinse, repeat!
Then I look at my own spiritual travel journal—the one in which I write during the week, recording what God is doing in my heart and mind. It is then I see God’s faithfulness in bringing me through deserts; taking me to oases; showing me how to manage death, sadness, and difficulties; performing miracles for my benefit; and giving me victories to remember forever. I also see that, despite my forty years of circling through my kitchen and laundry room, I have indeed lived a life of progress. My spiritual journal is proof.
My hope is that you, too, will pull off life’s superhighway to the scenic overlook and stop for a moment each day to reflect on your life with God. Record what you are going through and what God is teaching you. Day by day, you will see His faithfulness to you, His plan for you, and His successful deliverance of you into the promised land. After forty years, you will have no doubt but that you have traveled the distance with God.
The Reason: We Need Him Daily
Throughout the Old Testament, again and again, God urged His followers to acknowledge Him as Lord of their lives.
“Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘Return to Me, that I may return to you.’”
Zechariah 1:3 (NASB)
This same call of God to our own hearts requires a response. Without our own efforts to rebuild this broken bond, we remain separated from God too. Romans 3:23 (NIV) says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
When left to our own devices, all of us are unrighteous. None of us has a hope or a prayer, if this verse by itself is the end of the road. This impactful phrase, however, is sandwiched in between two even more amazing statements. Taken in this new context, there is absolute promise of restoration with God.
Righteousness is given by faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
Romans 3:22–24 (NIV), italics added
The flip side of the coin is that all are justified (made right with God) freely through the redemption that came by Jesus Christ. Just as all have sinned, so, too, any who believe are forgiven and deemed righteous.
Conquering Roadblocks
Temptation: Flat Tire or Fully Inflated?
Chapter 5 showed us why we should spend high-quality time with Jesus. Those five sensible facts fill up our gas tanks and fuel our desire for this Jesus journey. But now, in chapter 6, we need to slow down and evaluate the journey thus far. How has it been going for you? Has traveling been a breeze, with the Daily Retreat time coming along easily? If so, congratulations. You have discovered how to fit this new cadence into your weekly routine.
If this does not describe you, you have most likely experienced a flat tire or two along the way. There’s nothing like that deflated feeling, is there? It dawns on us that we are now totally out of alignment! Trying to push something new into an already hectic life is not working out. Why is this process of pursuing time with Jesus so difficult? Nothing is happening as we had hoped.
The good news is that all is not lost—far, far from it. We are about to inch over to the shoulder of the thoroughfare to examine some of the roadblocks that prevent success in this endeavor. These roadblocks, or setbacks, can also be termed “temptations.”
Our adversary the devil prowls around, seeking any he might prevent from taking on this very challenging and life-enhancing practice that you have chosen to embrace. “Why should you travel the road to success?” your archenemy wonders. “No way. It’s high time to puncture a tire or set up a construction zone! Stall-outs are my specialty.”
Personal Growth
Life in the Fast Lane
Easy Maintenance
Traveling with Purpose
Areas of Personal Growth
Take the Land! Steps to Moving Forward with God
What are the steps you and I may incorporate as we, too, move forward spiritually, emotionally, or physically into new assignments from God?
1. Show strength (Joshua 1:7).
Moving forward is not for wimps. It takes a strong resolve to say goodbye to the past and hello to a new normal.
2. Be courageous (verse 7).
There will be circumstances and people who discourage us from a new normal, since living where we are right now is so much easier and way more comfortable. Courageously, we must stand against these temptations to stay in the realm of the familiar.
3. Stay on course (verse 7).
In new territory, you and I can get waylaid by the surroundings. We can hold back, regress, or veer off the path. Following God on the path of forward progress is the sure route to success.
4. Know and speak God’s Word (verse 8).
Our study and knowledge of God and His Word is important and not in vain. His truth has the power that you and I need to continue.
5. Reflect on God’s Word daily (verse 8).
This habit centers us day to day so that we may remember the goal of “forward progress with God,” which is always before us.
6. Replace negative thoughts with faith (verse 9).
As we travel uncharted territory, fear and discouragement can be overwhelming. This is exactly the point where faith—a positive reaction to negative circumstances—takes over. Faith knows “if God is for us,
who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31b NIV).
7. Claim God’s presence every moment (verse 9).
There is no greater resolve for our lives than to repeat God’s own words to ourselves—“The Lord my God will be with me wherever I go” (Joshua 1:9 NIV).
8. Expect to conquer the land (verse 11)!
Step out in faith into your new assignment victoriously and be amazed at what God will accomplish through you.
Life in the Fast Lane
Have you ever given much thought about your own genealogy? How did you come to be you? Who was in your past? Without them, good or bad, you would not be here.
I have my own unique little story in my genealogy. My maternal grandmother was her parents’ tenth child. Her mother had five boys followed by five girls. Now, that is a crowded covered-wagonload of kids, which is exactly how they came to Colorado. But what if my great-grandmother had stopped having children at number nine? Nine children would be plenty, right?
Wrong! If my grandmother, the treasured tenth child, had not been born, there are now thirty-eight people who would not have been born either—including my mother, my two sisters, my niece in heaven, my niece and her children, my nephew, me, my six sensational children, and my eight precious grandchildren (including twins who died in utero), not to mention my aunt, cousins, and their children and grandchildren. Yes, my grandmother Golda was indeed wanted by God—and by me!
You are wanted by all of those who follow after you for decades to come. Without you, there wouldn’t be them! Those who are single are also wanted by all of those they touch with their gifts, used to make this world a better place.
Yes, married or single, children or no children, you are definitely wanted, needed, and cherished by God and by those who have been blessed by your presence in their lives. I am one of them. Thank you for partnering with Jesus and me in this quest to learn of your great significance to Him and to this world. Continue in service to our Lord Jesus Christ for His glory and for the blessings of those in your sphere of influence. I’m thanking God, along with you, that we are all wanted and needed by Him.
Easy Maintenance
From Reluctance to Revelation
In 1972–73, during my seventh-grade year, my life science teacher, Mr. Rodney, made a grand impression on all of his students. In white, suburban Arvada, Colorado, he was perhaps the only larger-than-life person of color in town. His formidable presence at the head of the class had us all shaking silently in our seats as he bellowed, in his Southern preacher’s voice, the lessons of life science and life in general, as taught to him by his grandpappy, who had worked on the cotton plantations of the South.
In spring, the culmination of the class was the disgusting practice of frog dissection. Using the democratic process of “rock, paper, scissors,” the lot and scalpel fell to me. After pinning down the frog’s four appendages, I was left to split the abdominal area down the middle with the scalpel. Like Jonah before me, I wanted in the worst way to get on a ship bound for Tarshish.
My hesitation, however, lasted a moment too long. From across the room came the roar of Mr. Rodney:
“Adams! I said, Cindy Adams! My grandpappy used to say to me, ‘You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink’!”
Snapping out of my fileting phobia, I took the plunge and sliced the belly of the frog. As my lab partners pulled back the flaps, we beheld a most astonishing, intricate, and exquisite world of tiny tubes and geometric shapes, which were stomach, heart, and lungs. My reluctance had turned to wondrous revelation with one obedient swipe of the scalpel.
To what act of obedience is the Lord calling you today? How is reluctance hampering the journey ahead? Spend time with Jesus, listening to, agreeing with, and obeying His every call, as greater revelations than frog innards are yours for the believing. Let’s drink the horse’s water, quickly and together, shall we?
Traveling with Purpose
Happy Graduation! You Are Now Traveling with Purpose!
Welcome to a time of incredible affirmations! You have earned the right to hear God’s truth about your position in Jesus Christ. Are you ready for some mind-blowing concepts? Sit down, get situated, and brace yourself for the gorgeous unfolding of your special place in this world.
Jesus makes it clear that we are not here on the earth to be served. Instead, we are partnering with Him to serve others and to bring glory to Father God in a variety of ways.
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
Mark 10:45 (NIV)
To serve Him properly, we need to absorb the vision that God has for you and me as His servants, which is a far cry from shabbily dressed serfs among the cinders. Much to the contrary! Instead, He sees us as His accredited envoys, representing the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Please accept these five monumental truths that propel you and me to envision how absolutely necessary we are to God’s big picture via our own spheres of influence.
Marty Harris
4Cs Council Chair
“Your Jesus Journey is an excellent and blessed read. If you are seeking True Satisfaction and have not quite found it, this book will be a taste of
heaven to you…”